5 ESL idioms for students

In this post, we’re going to examine 5 ESL idioms that can be used to describe the typical daily routine of a student..

(yes, there are in fact 5 idioms… keep reading!)

My Morning Timeline (1).png

Maybe this portrayal of a student’s life is unfair, but many of us know that life as a student means being a total party animal…. (yes, someone who loves to party can be called a ‘party animal’). Let’s have a look at these ESL idioms and explain them:

1. To ‘blow the cobwebs away’ (simple explanation, ‘to feel revitalised/refreshed’)

Example: I usually have a coffee first thing to blow the cobwebs away

Have you noticed how old boxes and books that we leave in the basement or attic start to get very dusty and covered in cobwebs. When people feel tired, they might feel like an old and dusty box, covered in cobwebs. Therefore, a black coffee is the perfect strategy to ‘blow the cobwebs’ away so we feel more awake and refreshed.

2. To ‘hit the books’

Example: Sorry, I can’t come out tonight, I’ve got an exam in two days so I’m going to hit the books.

There’s no need to spend time explaining this ESL idiom in too much detail, it simply means ‘to study.’

3. To ‘paint the town red’

Example: We’re going to paint the town red tonight!

Considered to be the profession of young, hip students this ESL idiom means to party! It would be possible to use an alternative idiom such as ‘let your hair down’ which also means to go out, dance and have fun.

Example: I really need to let my hair down tonight.

4. To ‘hit the sack’

Example: Goodnight everyone, I’m going to hit the sack.

This one is easy, it means to go to bed! You can also say ‘hit the hay'.

Okay, let’s be honest.. these idioms can be used for a variety of situations but we chose the life of a student! After all, being a student is a time for having fun before you have to grow up and join the rat race!

There are many more ESL idioms you can use, and if you’re not a student then perhaps you’d be more interested in some classic business idioms. Check out this video which teaches you 11 Business Idioms (B2-C2 Level)

We also have another 5 Useful & Fun ESL Idioms for you!