Common CAE Speaking Mistakes

If you were taking the CAE speaking test, would you bother to learn the best technique in order to achieve a high score? It seems like an easy question to answer, but not all students prepare properly for their CAE speaking test.

Let’s have a look at some of the most common mistakes made by English students who are taking the Cambridge Advanced English C1 exam.

CAE Speaking Mistake #1 - Using Basic English Adjectives

Many English students develop their skills to a good level, but seem to forget about their adjectives. As an experienced CAE teacher, I’m surprised at how often I hear the following things:

”My town is very big and nice.”

“I felt very happy when I passed my school exams.”

Remember, the CAE exam is advanced! You are expected to demonstrate your advanced English vocabulary.

“My town is a quaint and charming place, with a few disarmingly charming people!”

CAE Speaking Mistake #2 - Dead Air (Silence)

Say something! Even if you’re not feeling confident about your answer. The CAE speaking exam is a test of your English communication skills. Don’t worry about whether your answer is INCREDIBLE, just make sure that you are always communicating!

Learn how to give an answer, even if you’re not actually sure what the answer is:

How can the government reduce plastic pollution?

Well, that’s an interesting question. I’ve never really thought about that before. I don’t think of myself as an expert on this topic, but I do know that it’s critical we all work together in order to solve this crisis.

CAE Speaking Mistake #3 - Not knowing the CAE speaking exam structure or CAE speaking technique

The CAE exam has four parts. Each part has a different technique that is simple to learn.

The more you study the exam structure, the more comfortable you will feel on the day of your exam. The more you practice the techniques required, the higher your potential score.

Do you want to know all the details and techniques you need for your CAE Speaking test?

Try our video course ‘CAE Speaking Success’ to help you prepare for your Cambridge Advanced English speaking exam.