The Bag Of Bananas (26).png

It was a beautiful day in London. The cloudless sky was a brilliant blue, and the birds were singing harmoniously.

Viola was walking to work from the tube station. Using public transport in London cost an arm and a leg, but Viola loved the city regardless. 

Every morning, she opened the art gallery and made sure it was ready for business. This morning, however, there was something strange about the gallery. 

On the floor of the reception area, was a bag of bananas.

Viola was puzzled. She tried to think of an explanation. Suddenly, a voice called out from the other side of the gallery.

“Don’t touch those bananas!”

It was Howard, her grumpy boss. Viola always had to walk on eggshells around Howard. He was unpredictable and often bad tempered. 

“Good morning Howard. May I ask why there’s a bag of bananas in reception?”

Howard stared at Viola and frowned.

“For your information, I just bought a pet gorilla. He’s called Thomas.”

Viola smiled. “A pet gorilla? Are you pulling my leg?” 

“Certainly not. He’s right behind you.”

Viola turned around to find a Gorilla staring at her. She was so scared she couldn’t move or talk.

“What’s the matter dear? Cat got your tongue?” said Howard, pleased that Viola was frozen with fear. 

Howard continued talking, pointing at Viola aggressively.

“Listen to me young lady, this is a secret. My wife hates animals, she won’t let me have pets. Don’t let the cat out of the bag!” 

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