The First Date


(The First Date is one of the idiom stories available from our new book, Naked Idioms).


Serena was nervous. She was going on her first date in two years. Her previous boyfriend, Jim, had been unfaithful once, but Serena had forgiven him. 

However, when Jim cheated on her for the third time, she decided it was the last straw

Jim tried to butter her up with flowers and apology letters. He even tried to talk to Serena outside her office, but she gave him the cold shoulder

The new man she was meeting was called Justin. He was a barista from her local Starbucks. For their first date, Justin and Serena met in a trendy cocktail bar, popular with young people.

“This kind of bar isn’t really my cup of tea,” said Justin, “But I have to admit, they make an incredible mojito!” 

It was true, the mojito was delicious and Serena felt relaxed. In fact, Serena was feeling so relaxed, she started to speak about her ex-boyfriend.

“Jim had so many issues. Most people thought he was a little bit arrogant, but that was just the tip of the iceberg. He was also insecure, controlling and boring!” 

Justin looked confused.

“So why did you stay with him for two years?”

“I suppose I was so desperate for the relationship to work, I buried my head in the sand.” 

Justin nodded with sympathy. He was a good listener.

At the end of the evening, Serena and Justin agreed to meet again. Justin waved goodbye, walked around the corner and pulled out his phone to make a call.

“Hi Jim, it’s me. Yes, we went out. She seems very angry whenever she talks about you. Yes, I’ll take her out again to find out more information, but it will be another £50 okay? Excellent. Speak to you later.”

Justin ended the phone call and walked home, delighted with his new job.


How can I buy a copy of Naked Idioms?

If you enjoyed the story and would like to buy a copy of Naked Idioms here are some links (if you only see the Kindle version and would prefer a book, click on the Kindle option which will take you through to the alternative formats).


Wow, did you keep reading all the way to the end of this blog post? Well, maybe you would be interesting in learning some English phrasal verbs with our phrasal verb story, Jamie’s Giant Bum!